Radiology is not as safe as it seems. You may not have to work with dangerous tools or ferocious animals but the radiation you are exposed to makes it a super risky job.
You need to take the proper measures to keep yourself safe from the aforementioned radiation. You’ve heard about the need for an apron but you also need to keep your face safe.
To do that, you need a solid full face shield. It is a super important part of your safety gear; without it, your face is completely exposed to radiation every time you go into work.
Amray Group understands this struggle and so we spent years and years creating the best shields for you. We are here to keep those dangerous rays away from your face. But why do you want to keep them away?
Importance of A Face Shield
Here is the thing: a single x-ray doesn’t expose you to a very large amount of radiation. You may have read that exposure to radiation may lead to vomiting, fainting, or even bleeding.
Rest assured that those are not risks you need to be worried about. That is something that can only be experienced if you undergo a lot of radiation. So, you should be safe, right?
Although an x-ray every few years will pose no threat to your life, as a radiologist, you oversee a lot more of these scans. In fact, it isn’t unrealistic for you to do hundreds of scans in a single year.
These short bursts of exposure cannot be taken lightly. If you are negligent in taking the appropriate measures, you may develop a host of cardiovascular diseases or in a lot of cases, even cancer.
A lot of people will tell you that if you put on a lead apron, you are safe. That is a misconception that puts you in a lot of danger. You need complete gear that keeps every single part of your body safe.
A face shield keeps your face protected. It makes sure the rays don’t get to your eyes, nose, and mouth. These parts are left completely to fend for themselves without this shield.
Why Our Face Shields Are Awesome
Just getting a face shield isn’t enough. You need to get a shield that is not just made with the best materials. Otherwise, it might not be able to save you from that dangerous radiation.
Our gear is made of 0.1mm lead impregnated acrylic. This is one of the best materials in the world; it is more than capable of keeping those rays away from your face.
Along with that, the full panorama view makes sure that wearing a shield won’t hamper you when you are working. It is also adjustable so you can position it in any way you see fit.
You Can Trust Amray Medical
If you need a good full face shield, there is simply no one better than us to give you one. We have been in the business for over three decades and as such, we know how to make the best gear. Call us now to get the gear you deserve.